The Case of the Reborn Bhagwan By William L. Sullivan

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Product Description

Detective Neil Ferguson and his autistic daughter Susan are back, confronting another Oregon mystery. Neil suspected there would be trouble as soon as he heard that the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh had been reincarnated as a 26-year-old barista in Northeast Portland.

In the 1980s the original Bhagwan had brought thousands of red-robed followers to Oregon, preaching enlightenment and free love. They built a utopian city in Eastern Oregon’s desert — and then poisoned hundreds of people in an attempt to overthrow the government.

Now the Rajneeshees are back, building a new commune on an Indian reservation near Crater Lake. When people begin falling victim to a mysterious sniper, Neil has to find out the truth behind the Rajneesh revival — and rescue his niece Harmony.

Product Features

The Case of the Reborn Bhagwan By William L. Sullivan 1