Campfire Tales Ghoulies, Ghosties, and Long-Leggety Beasties By William W. Forgey Illustrated By Paul G. Hoffman

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Product Price $14.95

Product Description

A crackling fire, the smell of s’mores, an eerie howl in the distance.

Campfire Tales includes 17 original and classic tales that invite you to chase ghoulies from the deep, dark grave; vindicate the misdeeds of a deranged madman; travel in time to an Asian jungle; and discover swamps with eerie creatures from the night.  A handy outline after each story assists in telling tales by firelight, and the book also includes ten tips that can make anyone a great storyteller.

Product Features

Campfire Tales: Ghoulies, Ghosties, and Long-Leggety Beasties By William W. Forgey Illustrated By Paul G. Hoffman 1